Vocabulary Story

Our class got to make a vocabulary story, a vocabulary story is, every week we have a word, but we have to try to figure the word out, and we get hints, and on Friday we reveal the word, I hope you like it.

At night there was one hunter, one monkey, one lion, and one bird, so in the morning the bird was flying in the sky, but then a hunter saw the bird, and the bird flew away, and the bird had
a predicament. The bird strived to get out, but then the monkeys brought the bird back to its nest, and the bird nestled in its tranquil nest. The monkeys were so engrossed for what was happening, they had a high vantage, they could see what is happening. They were so vigilant, and tenacious, and inquiring, but then the path diverged and they could not find him.



You can get the story bird app and then you can type in what you would make a story with. In storybird you push it, you can pick which story and then you pick which picture you want, and you type. When you finish that, you are finished.

Here is my story.



Hi! My name is Gus and our class had a amazing, fun field trip! We went to the San Elijo lagoon. There were two sides of the lagoon. My part of the class went on the first side. We walked pretty far, and then we reached this big, old, hollowed out tree. There was a dry lizard on it. Someone walked too close, and the lizard scurried away. We took some field notes and kept on going. Oh,
and by the way we had journals with us. I took a field note on the dry lizard on the tree. Then we kept on walking and ended at a dirt path. We went back and switched sides and kept on seeing these giant great egrets! They flew so high! We also used binoculars. We went back then. I had a lot of fun at the San Elijo lagoon because I saw a lot of herons and I notice that the heron is interesting because it looked like the heron would be a water bird but it can also fly and that is pretty cool.




In our class we learned about monarchs. If you want to learn some facts read the rest.

Monarchs are cool. Monarchs are poisonous. If a bird is coming it will turn around because it will see the monarch’s bright colors. Monarchs are orange and yellow. Monarchs are really cool fluttering creatures that are really good at flying.


Gus Product Review

A few days ago we made our product review. If you don’t know what a product review is, you review a product. My favorite part of it was that we got to bring our iPads home. And this is what was fun. We got to take a picture of our favorite toy we got for Christmas.
I got a Star Wars Lego set and I like it so much.